
duct tape ads

here are the photos i took for my duct tape ads. "solves most problems"


Treat Bags

loyal jack

for my senior thesis, i am branding a dog product company that specializes in large breed dogs. it has taken a dramatic turn from the last direction i showed, but in a good way. this is the shampoo bottle label and a tag that will hang from the neck of the bottle. 


new ideas

me and my hubby conspired on ideas for my next ad series and decided upon electrical tape. has anyone else ever noticed that guys try to fix everything with electrical tape? these ads are going to be hilarious, i can't wait to show them to you all :)



my fonts

i feel like this has been kept from me for too long. but hey there is still time to use more cool typefaces in my projects. go look at myfonts.com


the nest

neat home decor ideas here


neato bam bleato

found these suckers at target this weekend. they smell awful, but it is still a neat concept. ( i didn't buy all of these either, these are web images i pulled) 


apple strudel muffins

make these muffins, they will make your tummy happy :)

made by girl

some really neat things worth checking out here


new site

i made a new photo site as required by my color photo class, but this is what my new design site will look like once i photograph my work. check it out


deer head decor

what?! i am so excited to make one of these. all of the instructions are here

this is the one i actually want, but it is a bit pricey so i think i will stick to the one above for now.

or you can just buy this stencil here and paint one on the wall
